> Learn to Attract a Trustworthy, Marriage-Minded Man
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It's Time to Find a Marriage-Minded Man You Can Trust

Join over 17,000 women who have decided to get serious about changing their love story for the better. 


What to Do When He Was Awesome--and Then He Changed

 Picture this: You meet a man. He’s awesome and seems like the perfect match—until he doesn’t. Things are going great in the relationship—until they’re not. What do you do when he seemed like an awesome guy but he seems like he changed into someone who is toxic and unhealthy? Do you hold out hoping he’ll change back into the man you wanted? Or do you do something different? That’s what this podcast episode is all about.

Interested in working with me and getting one-on-one personal coaching? Go to https://www.shanaschuttecoaching.com/ to schedule a free session with me and talk about how I can help you get a great relationship with a trustworthy, marriage-minded man. 
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The #1 Most Important Factor for a Long-Lasting, Happy Relationship


Many women want to be happy, have a relationship that lasts, and have more passion in their love life. Great news! If you can relate, studies have been conducted to explain the number one way to accomplish this.


Finding Happiness in a Relationship

Purdue University conducted a study that was published in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships that revealed ONE THING  that does more for the long-term survival, happiness, and passion of couples than anything else. 

The researchers of this study surveyed couples and asked what they valued most about their relationships. Their responses showed that the number one secret to a long-lasting, romantic relationship wasn’t the chemistry that we often think is the most important in love. Instead it’s  friendship. 

This study showed that valuing friendship with a partner helps create a relationship with more commitment,...

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Three Things You Should Never Say to a Man


Many things can sabotage a relationship when it first starts--including the words you say to a man. In the beginning, a relationship can be fragile especially since two people don’t know one another well and trust between them hasn’t fully developed. That’s why it’s important that you don’t say these three things to a man, lest you sabotage a relationship that has great potential.  

Do you worry about what to say or how to talk to a man on a first date? Click here for 20 conversation starters to get the conversation started. 


Tip #1: Don’t tell him “I don’t need a man.” 

Maybe you’ve said this before to a man because you don’t want him to think you are taking advantage of him, you’re needy, or you’re only out for what he can give you, such as money.   Maybe you’ve heard that a lack of independence doesn’t make for...

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One Secret That Can Help You Get the Love You Want


I recently listened to a Ted Talk by Brené Brown on the power of vulnerability. In her marvelous presentation, she said something that struck me.

People who have whole-hearted, vulnerable, intimate, connected, and close relationships only have one thing that separates them from people who don't have these kinds of life-giving relationships: they believe love is possible.


Perhaps you don't want to chase a man. But did you know there is a way to invite a man to pursue you without chasing him? Get my Free Guide, 8 Ways To Invite A Man To Pursue You (Without Chasing Him), here. 


Believe you can get the love you want

When you hear this, maybe you're thinking, “Shana, I used to believe it was possible. I used to think it was possible to have a great relationship and to have the kind of love I've always dreamed of, but I've lost hope.” 

I get it. It can be difficult to hold onto hope as you age. That said, here’s something...

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Shana, I Keep Attracting Needy Men



Because I didn’t marry until I was 46, there were times I felt as if all the good men were taken.  

This week, I received another message from a woman who asked, “Where are the guys who are committed to honoring a woman, being a provider, and who believe in chivalry? Instead, all I seem to attract are men who are needy, weak men . . . men who don’t have their lives together and who are always leaning on others. There aren’t any strong men anywhere.”

Perhaps you don't want to chase a man. But did you know there is a way to invite a man to pursue you without chasing him? Get my Free Guide, 8 Ways To Invite A Man To Pursue You (Without Chasing Him), here. 


So, what do you do when you feel as if you’re only attracting needy men who aren’t the kind you’d like to marry. . .men who--for lack of better terms--don’t seem as if they have grown up? 

Today, I want to share seven tips if you can...

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Do This to Draw a Man to You (And Not Push Him Away)


In this special blog post, my husband, Clark, joins me in a dialogue about the best way to draw a man to you and one way that will push him away. Women push men away in this way all the time without even realizing it. You can avoid it, and become more attractive to men.



How Talking About Your Man Can Push Him Away  

Shana: Sometimes women tease a guy, that they like, right in front of other people. Some women might have more “teasing” personalities than others. But Clark, tell me, if I am going to tease you in front of other people, when is it good? Or when is it not good?

Clark: It’s never good.

Shana: Why is it never good?

Clark: Guys have egos. We're proud. And we're insecure at our core. So if you make us look stupid, first of all, we don't like that to begin with. If you make...

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How Long Should You Wait to Exclusively Date?


One of the questions I often receive from women is like this:

“I don’t know how quickly I should move from just meeting someone to dating exclusively. I end up giving my heart away too soon and then I get hurt when the relationship ends. How do I know when to take it further with a guy?"

This can be a difficult topic. How do you know when to take it further with a man? How long should you know someone before exclusively dating?



Some people will say that you should date for several months before becoming exclusive, or for six months. There are all types of time frames that you may have heard about how long you should know a man before becoming exclusive.

Other people say that they are exclusive from the beginning because they are loyal and how can you get to know someone if you aren’t exclusive from the beginning?

Others say that it...

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Don't Trust Yourself to Make a Good Relationship Choice?


Last year, I sent out an email and asked the women in my Single Over 30 community to share their greatest fears about being single with me.

I received many answers such as:

I fear never being loved for who I really am.
I fear being alone in my old age.
I fear I will never find anyone.

I empathize. I felt these same fears before I married at 46—and I know first-hand they can be difficult to handle. 

The #1 fear

However, of all the responses I received, the #1 fear was the fear of making a poor choice in a marriage partner.

If you can relate, I want to validate you. Even if your fear isn’t telling you the truth, your fear makes sense. 

After all, you may have seen others make poor choices in marriage partners.

You’ve watched those close to you—perhaps even your parents—languish in relational disaster.

And, maybe you feel you made a few poor relationship choices in the past, too.

Maybe you chose a man to marry who wasn’t good to...

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The #1 Mindset to Improve Your Opportunities to Find Love

Last winter, my husband and I hosted a grandmother and her grandson in our home. His name was Tanner, he was 12, and he came to snow ski near where we live. He'd only skied a couple of times before, and he was excited, but I could tell he was nervous. After he told us that he had previously skied we invited him to try out a new peak that we thought he’d like.

We recommended that peak because we thought the runs would be a little easier for him. It would better match his skill level. He said, “I don’t know if I would like that or not,” before saying “No, I don’t think so.”

We gently encouraged him, sharing the reasons that we thought that he’d really love the experience of a new peak.

After a time, he reluctantly said, “Okay, I’ll try it.”

We could tell he was scared, and he seemed convinced he wasn’t going to like it even before trying it. However, once he and his grandma came back to our house, he...

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How to Feel More Hopeful About Dating


I speak to a lot of women about their dating lives—awesome, amazing, wonderful women. Many tell me that they are afraid about dating, or some are so tired of being disappointed that they don’t even want to try.

It may be so messy or frustrating that they may not want to continue putting themselves out there. Does this describe you? If so, then I’ve got four tips you can use to start feeling better about dating today.

Tip #1: Think of dating as a process

Thinking of dating as a process is the opposite of thinking, “I am going to meet my man and I will just immediately know he is the one.” Having this attitude will put so much pressure on you, and it will take the joy out of dating. But if you think of dating as a process of discovery about yourself and about other people, then it will put you in a position of curiosity—curious to just learn about other people and about yourself. It will totally take the pressure off.

I used to coach...

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