> The Way She Met Her Husband Will Blow Your Mind
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[Special Interview] The Way She Met Her Husband Will Blow Your Mind


Hi, Awesome Single Lady!

In this special interview on the Single Over 30 podcast, I have a great conversation with one of my old roommates, Monica, who married in her thirties and met her husband in a way that will blow your mind! My conversation with Monica is a reminder that all things are possible. 

We also talk about dating anxiety, breaking up, self-sabotage, "putting yourself out there" even when you don't feel like it, and not seeing yourself as unwanted but valuable while you are single. 

I know you'll be delighted with this special interview with Monica! 
The dream that you have--to love and be loved--is possible!
💗 💗 💗

Your coach, 

 To set up a free, 15-minute Discovery Session to find out if one of my coaching programs is a good fit for you, just click here to set up a time on my calendar. 

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