> 9 First Date Dilemmas (and what to do about them)
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9 First Date Dilemmas and What to Do About Them


Hey there, Single Lady!

First Date Dilemmas. They happen all the time. Maybe he asks you out after the first date but then you never hear from him again.

He asks you out, you go out and have a good time, but then seems like he just wants to text you. He doesn’t move the ball down the field and ask you out again. 

You want him to ask you out after the first date, but aren’t sure how to let him know without coming across as chasing.

Ooooh! This is going to be a great episode because I’m going to share 9 First Date Dilemmas like those that I just mentioned and share what to do about them. 

You're going to love it! 


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Episode #104: 6 Ways to Tell if a Man is Breadcrumbing You
Episode #10: The Only Two Questions You Need to Answer About a First Date

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