> The Only 2 Questions You Need to Answer on a First Date
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The Only 2 Questions You Need to Answer on a First Date (or when you are first meet a man)


Hi, Single Lady! 

Dating can be confusing and with today's expectations about finding a soul mate, immediately knowing if a man is "the one" and the fears that surround not getting getting hurt in a relationship, first dates and first meetings with men can be fraught with anxiety. In this video, I talk about the only two questions you need to answer on a first date or when you first meet a man.  

This clip is taken from Smart Single Women Club, where single women like you get their most pressing dating and relationship questions answered LIVE.


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For a chance for your question to be answered in a vlog or blog, send it to: [email protected] with "QUESTION" in the subject line.  I look forward to hearing from you!